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Paquete de esencia facial prebiótica y nieblas luminosas tonificantes y fijadoras
- Precio regular
$60.00 USD - Precio regular
- Precio de venta
$60.00 USD
¡Nutre, calma, rellena y protege tu piel con nuestro paquete de soluciones faciales Bea's Bayou! ¿Preocupado por el acné o el envejecimiento? Nuestra bruma tonificante respetuosa con el microbioma ayuda a preparar la piel después de la limpieza, mientras que Good Biome Face Solution es el suero ligero definitivo que es amable con la piel sensible. Si buscas un brillo adicional, Good Biome Glow Mist brinda un acabado de piel iluminado desde adentro y también se puede rociar sobre el maquillaje.
💦🌿 Solución facial Good Biome
Ingredientes: gel de aloe vera orgánico, agua desionizada purificada, mezcla respetuosa con el bioma, hamamelis, extracto de nuez negra, árbol de té, clavo, mirra, onagra, rosa mosqueta, caléndula, semillas de cáñamo, eucalipto, vitamina B5, vitamina E, ácido salicílico. , glicerina vegetal orgánica derivada del coco
💦🌿 Bruma tonificante Good Biome de 2 oz
Ingredientes: agua desionizada purificada, jugo de aloe vera, hamamelis, aceite de árbol de té, extracto de nuez negra, aceite de clavo, aceite de naranja, aceite de semilla de cáñamo, aceite de caléndula, vitamina B5. raíz de rábano (prebiótico), vitamina E
💦🌿 Bruma fijadora Good Biome Glow de 2 oz
Ingredientes: aloe vera, agua desionizada purificada, mezcla respetuosa con el bioma, aceite de caléndula, extracto de nuez negra, aceite de lavanda, aceite de rosa mosqueta, onagra, vitamina B5, aceite de naranja, glicerina vegetal orgánica derivada del coco, vitamina E, hamamelis. raíz de rábano (prebiótico)Cómo usarlos juntos
1º - Lávate la cara con un limpiador suave
Opcional: use un limpiador profundo de poros (yo uso un astringente si he estado estresando mi piel)
2.º - Bruma tonificante Bayou RePHresh de Bea
3.º - Solución facial de Bea's Bayou
Opcional: tu suero favorito (opcional)
4º - Tu crema hidratante favorita
5to - Glow Mist (o tu maquillaje y LUEGO Glow Mist)
Paquete de esencia facial prebiótica y nieblas luminosas tonificantes y fijadoras
- Precio regular
$60.00 USD - Precio regular
- Precio de venta
$60.00 USD
Let me tell y'all something! I have tried so many different products to help ease the burning, irritation and dryness of my face. This product keeps my face moisturized all day and irritation free. From the time I put this skin product on my face the itching stopped almost immediately. I have been using this product for almost a month now and I will be purchasing again. If you have SD and ya need a sigh of relief please try this product!!! Since I have tried the face solution I will be ordering the scalp solution as well!!
Hi! OMG thank you so much for sharing that with us and we hope you continue to enjoy!!
Fast shipping only thing that helps with my SD 💪🏽
I use this product once per day and it has helped me to keep my skin moisturize and glowing.
The item was very nice and high quality but didn’t work for my ultra sensitive skin. I messaged the seller and she was very helpful.
After 9 long years dealing with Dermatitis flairs along my hairline, forehead, eyebrows, sides of my nose and behind my ears, I no longer have any flairs! It’s been roughly 2 weeks since I started using the entire line (face and hair) and I started to feel relief and see improvements after 3 days! I usually have to use head and shoulders every 2 days or else my scalp gets so itchy and inflamed, I have not used it in 2 weeks! I have tried so many natural products and steroids in the past and although in the last 3-4 yrs my flairs were not as bad as they used to be but still enough to cause constant pain, discomfort, itching/burning and redness- the relief these products have given me is immense! I’m so so happy I took a chance on Bea’s Bayou!