Self-Love, Self-Care, and Self-Confidence with Cynthea Corfah - Bea's Bayou Skincare

Self-Love, Self-Care, and Self-Confidence with Cynthea Corfah

February is month of love as well as the month where we honor Black history makers of our past, present, and future. As a Black-owned brand we are excited to uplift other Black business owners. We are excited to talk about self-love, self-confidence, and self-care with journalist, entrepreneur, and Louisiana native Cynthea Corfah!

Tell us about you!

I want to start this interview by saying Happy Black History Month! As a young Black woman, what has been your biggest lesson learned founding your own business (Brunch for the Soul)?

As a Black woman business owner, I’ve had to learn over and over again that you can’t doeverything alone. As the only child of a single working mother, I grew up watching my momjuggle multiple jobs, take care of the house and raise me on her own. I’ve had to unlearn someof my subconscious programming and realize that in order to reach the places I want to go, Ihave to have support and be able to ask for help. Help for me can look like relying on thesupport of my friends and loved ones, hiring contract workers, partnering with other businessesand accepting help from my network.

As a young Black entrepreneur, who is a Black public figure that you look up to or inspired by?

I hate to sound cliche, but I am deeply inspired by Oprah. I have looked up to her for all of my adult life. I appreciate how she was able to go from being a journalist to becoming a multi-hyphenate professional and the wealthiest Black woman in the world. I love how she hasexpanded her brand while also giving back and making a difference in so many people’s lives.

You work as a contributing writer and social media specialist. Can you describe exactly what you do and how your work has made an impact in the space of haircare, skincare, or overall wellness?

Currently, my work consists of writing magazine articles, managing social media pages for my clients and running my community Brunch for the Soul.
As a freelance writer, I write stories for multiple magazines about various subjects like fashion, music, art, culture and business. I like to think of myself as an archivist, someone who captures the stories of today’s history makers and documents their impact for people in the future to lookback at. As a social media specialist, I work with small businesses and nonprofits to tell their stories in a creative, cohesive and impactful way on social media. Brunch for the Soul has been my passion project for the last 6 years. It is my creative outlet to support and inspire women to live holistic lifestyles that meet their soul’s needs and fulfill their purpose. 

  All areas of my profession are rooted in wellness. By prioritizing my own personal wellness, I infuse that energy into my work. Through my stories and events, I love highlighting women-owned businesses in beauty, hair care and wellness. I especially prioritize giving women of color a platform to share their story. I aim to uplift Black and brown voices, remind people that self-care is a necessity and not a luxury, and inspire women to go after their wildest dreams.

"All areas of my profession are rooted in wellness. By prioritizing my own personal wellness, I infuse that energy into my work. Through my stories and events, I love highlighting women-owned businesses in beauty, hair care and wellness. "

What led you into a career in media and marketing?

I have been writing my entire life. I can’t imagine a day going by without writing in my journal, on Google Docs or the notes app on my phone. Since I was a little girl, I dreamed of writing for magazines and getting to share my thoughts in a publication where people could be inspired by my words. Once I discovered I could go to school for print journalism, I knew that was the path for me.

Talk to us about Eczema & self confidence

Bea’s Bayou founder Arielle Brown created the brand after her own struggles with seborrheic dermatitis. Talk about a time where you may have turned a personal problem into a solution that had a positive impact on others?

"Flaunt it! Own it! Love yourself so loudly that everyone else is inspired by your confidence and wishes they could embrace their “flaws” the way you do. You only have one life, so you might as well enjoy it. Your skin is worthy of being loved and celebrated.."

When I was suffering the most with my eczema journey, going through Topical Steroid Withdrawal, I decided to start documenting my healing journey on Instagram. I shared about what I was eating, how I was feeling, the good and bad skin days and how I motivated myself to keep showing up for life despite my skin condition.

By sharing my truth, I attracted a community of other eczema warriors who were going through a lot of the same things I was. That led to companies like Pfizer reaching out to me to share my story on their platform and working with the National Eczema Association (NEA). I ended up being on the cover of the NEA magazine and speaking at the 2023 Eczema Expo. It has been such an honor to represent for other eczema warriors and bring awareness to how serious eczema really is.

Woman standing near white wall
Leighann Blackwood via Unsplash
Many with eczema struggle with anxiety, did you experience that struggle? If so, how did you overcome that struggle?

I believe eczema and anxiety go hand in hand. When my anxiety is up, my eczema flares and vice versa. It’s a really tough cycle that I am still working on. I practice mindfulness every time I catch myself getting lost in my thoughts and having a scratching fit. When I become aware that I am scratching, I try to stop and ask myself: Why am I scratching? Am I itchy or just stressed? What is the root cause of my stress? How can I calm down and get present in my body again? I practice breathwork and sometimes I just have to find other things to do with my hands or body to bring my awareness back to the present moment.

What has been your best resource when looking for products/ingredients that work for your skin/skin concerns?

Any products that have the NEA stamp of approval are typically eczema-friendly. So I look for the NEA logo on products in stores. I also listen to my skin. When certain ingredients feel good and nourishing on my skin, I take note of that and look for products that have those ingredients. When certain ingredients are irritating (even if they are popular and recommended by other eczema warriors) I have to do what’s right for my unique skin and avoid those ingredients that I may be sensitive to.

As an eczema advocate, what is your favorite resource to share with others struggling with eczema?

The National Eczema Association (NEA). This community has been pivotal to my eczema advocacy journey. NEA can connect you with other eczema warriors, resources, doctors, professionals and knowledge. It is the best starting point for anyone suffering with eczema or taking care of someone with eczema. You can go to their website or follow them on Instagram. Plus, they host an annual Eczema Expo where hundreds of eczema warriors and caretakers come out to learn, have fun and talk about eczema. I have gone twice now and have had the best, most heartwarming experience every time.

Let's talk self-love & self-care

Do you have any advice for people struggling with self-confidence or self-love due to their skin conditions or concerns?

The quicker you learn to love yourself, the quicker you will heal. Self-hatred and loathing won’t support your skin condition. I know it’s hard, especially when society’s beauty standards are becoming more unattainable. But I like to think that your skin tells your story. It’s a beautiful map that shows where you’ve been and what you’re overcoming. Flaunt it! Own it! Love yourself so loudly that everyone else is inspired by your confidence and wishes they could embrace their “flaws” the way you do. You only have one life, so you might as well enjoy it. Your skin is worthy of being loved and celebrated.

At your brunch for the soul series you create a safe space to uplift and empower women, why is this important to you?

I am a girl’s girl through and through. I believe one of my purposes on this earth is to remind women of their power and encourage them to pursue their dreams. I get genuinely fired uptalking to women about their goals and dreams. I love seeing the excitement in their eyes when they talk about their passions. As women, we’re all going through our own individual battles, so I want to create spaces for women to fill their cup. Because if we don’t create those spaces for women, who will?

How do YOU practice self-care?

Journaling as often as possible, listening to inspiring podcasts, taking sacred baths with essential oils and Epsom salt, working out at the gym, taking long walks outside, cooking nourishing meals, saying no to things that don’t feed my soul and reading.

Journalist Cynthea Corfuh

Cynthea Corfah is a freelance writer, journalist, and entrepreneur in New Orleans, Louisiana. You can expect to read many more stories from her in local New Orleans and national publications. She is also excited to host more Brunch for the Soul experiences this year with new focuses that will encourage women to go deeper into their authenticity, learn from their ancestral history and form deeper bonds with the women in the community. Follow Brunch for the Soul on Instagram or Facebook to be notified about their upcoming events! You can also find more about Cynthea via LinkedIn.

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